Fast-Grasp'D: Dexterous Multi-finger Grasp Generation Through Differentiable Simulation

IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2023

Dylan Turpin1,2,3Tao Zhong1,2Shutong Zhang1,2Guanglei Zhu1,2Eric Heiden3Miles Macklin3Stavros Tsogkas1,3Sven Dickinson1,2,3Animesh Garg3
1University of Toronto    2Vector Institute   3NVIDIA    4Samsung  

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Multi-finger grasping relies on high quality training data, which is hard to obtain: human data is hard to transfer and synthetic data relies on simplifying assumptions that reduce grasp quality. By making grasp simulation differentiable, and contact dynamics amenable to gradient-based optimization, we accelerate the search for high-quality grasps with fewer limiting assumptions. We present Grasp’D-1M: a large-scale dataset for multi-finger robotic grasping, synthesized with Fast- Grasp’D, a novel differentiable grasping simulator. Grasp’D- 1M contains one million training examples for three robotic hands (three, four and five-fingered), each with multimodal visual inputs (RGB+depth+segmentation, available in mono and stereo). Grasp synthesis with Fast-Grasp’D is 10x faster than GraspIt! [1] and 20x faster than the prior Grasp’D differentiable simulator [2]. Generated grasps are more stable and contact-rich than GraspIt! grasps, regardless of the distance threshold used for contact generation. We validate the usefulness of our dataset by retraining an existing vision-based grasping pipeline [3] on Grasp’D-1M, and showing a dramatic increase in model performance, predicting grasps with 30% more contact, a 33% higher epsilon metric, and 35% lower simulated displacement.

[1] A. T. Miller and P. K. Allen, “Graspit! a versatile simulator for robotic grasping,” IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 2004.
[2] D. Turpin, L. Wang, E. Heiden, Y.-C. Chen, M. Macklin, S. Tsogkas, S. Dickinson, and A. Garg, “Grasp’d: Differentiable contact-rich grasp synthesis for multi-fingered hands,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.12250, 2022.
[3] J. Lundell, F. Verdoja, and V. Kyrki, “DDGC: Generative deep dexterous grasping in clutter,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2021.




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Our grasp synthesis pipeline. Our grasp synthesis pipeline generates the Grasp’D-1M dataset of one million unique grasps in three stages. (1) Grasp generation: For any provided (robot hand, object) pair, we generate a set of base grasps by gradient descent over an objective computed by Fast-Grasp’D, our fast and differentiable grasping simulator. (2) Scene generation: We simulate multiple drops of each object onto a table to create scenes with different object poses and transfer base grasps to these scenes. (3) Rendering: Finally, we render each scene (RGB, depth, segmentation, 2D/3D bounding boxes in mono+stereo) from multiple camera angles.


author       = {Dylan Turpin and Tao Zhong and Shutong Zhang and Guanglei Zhu and Eric Heiden and Miles Macklin and Stavros Tsogkas and Sven Dickinson and Animesh Garg},
title        = {Fast-Grasp'D: Dexterous Multi-finger Grasp Generation Through Differentiable Simulation},
booktitle    = {ICRA},
year         = {2023},